Easter Weekend on Brit TV

Was it coincidental that two of my favorite British TV series “arose” during Easter weekend? I don’t know, nor do I care.

What I do care about is new episodes of both Red Dwarf and Doctor Who!

Red Dwarf returned Friday, Saturday and Sunday on Dave TV with a three-episode story, Back to Earth. It’s very Blade Runner-esque, and a lot of fun.


from Red Dwarf: Back to Earth reddwarfbte2


Even with all of the original cast, something seemed … different. I finally decided it was the absence of the laugh track, which had been in the earlier episodes.

Next, Doctor Who, with a new episode, Planet of the Dead. Shot largely in Dubai, and co-starring Michelle Ryan (of NBC’s Bionic Woman), this episode is one of the last four for David Tennant, and the last “romp” for the 10th Doctor. It ends with a dark, foreboding taste of what is to come in the episodes this Fall and Christmas.

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The Fall episode will be The Waters of Mars, and the two-part Christmas story will be the regeneration and hand-off to the eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith.